Trigger Editor Introduction

The Trigger Editor is where you’ll build the logic underpinning your project. Triggers are what will turn your Editor project into an interactive, playable map. You can use this system to build games with plain-language elements, meaning you won’t need to use a programming language. Using the Editor’s pre-built library of these elements lets developers work quickly and easily when making games.

Acclaimed for its intuitive, visual approach to programming, the trigger system has been a long-standing favorite of amateurs and professionals throughout the history of Blizzard RTS games. As a tool, triggering can grow with its user, allowing them to eventually delve into programming by investigating Galaxy Script, the language that works behind the scenes of the system. Advanced use is supported through the Editor’s extensive feature set, including a profiler for use in debugging and performance tuning.

Trigger Editor in Use Trigger Editor in Use


The Trigger Editor operates through the construction of Image blocks of logic and occur in response to Image that the game is monitoring. Events can in turn be fitted with Image being monitored. Triggers themselves are essentially containers for Image changes in the game. The interplay of conditions, events, triggers, and actions creates the essential game loop that brings a project to life.

There are also Image when an event occurs. Then Image it, or modify it before reflecting it back to the game through an action. New varieties of any of the basic elements can also be made through the custom Image actions, or functions.

With Image compound data types and data can be named and sorted in Image documentation to maps with Image Image tame an expanding project. With Image into objects that are shareable between maps, friends, or team-mates. As a developer learns and grows, they can start to make use of custom Image the programming language that drives the whole engine.